class Markov::Chain(LinkType)


A Chain is a vehicle for generating probable sequences of type LinkType

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : TransitionTable(LinkType), seed : LinkType? = nil) #

For larger processes, you'll want to externally train a TransitionTable then pass it in as an argument. If #seed is not provided, it will default to a random item chosen with TransitionTable#random_key

def : Array(LinkType), seed : LinkType = (sample.sample(1)).first) #

If you have a small (Array-sized) data set, you can pass it as sample and a TransitionTable will be constructed for you with the sample data.

#seed should be the element in sample which you would like to begin the sequence. If no #seed is provided, a random element will be selected from sample.

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Makes it possible to use #to_json and #from_json (see Crystal docs)

Instance Method Detail

def generate(count : Int32) #

Generates a probable, sequential Array of LinkType elements of count length

def generated : Array(LinkType) #

Returns an ordered Array(LinkType) of all LinkType elements generated

def next : LinkType #

Generates the next probable LinkType element

def on_dead_end(&block : Proc(TransitionTable(LinkType), Chain(LinkType), Exception, LinkType)) : Proc(TransitionTable(LinkType), Chain(LinkType), Exception, LinkType) #

Sets an exception handler for EmptyTransitionMatrixException when Chain instance reaches a dead end while using Chain#generate or Chain#next. Returned value is inserted as the next probable element.


c = Markov::Chain(String).new sample: ["Koala", "Kangaroo"] of String, seed: "Kangaroo"
c.on_dead_end do |transition_table, chain, exception|
end # => "Koala" # => "Kangaroo" # => "Koala"

def seed : LinkType #

Returns #seed element.

def transition_table : TransitionTable(LinkType) #

Returns the trained instance of TransitionTable